
Having no knowledge of the existence of a program like this, it was a god send to discover it because it is as EXACTLY what I needed. To deal with such sensitive issues is very difficult, and there just aren’t many resources that provide the space to work on them. Having suffered from a combo of PE/ED and general inexperience, I was an absolute mess sexually. But I was not content to accept that, so I reached out to Rebecca. Working with her for 3 months taught me so much about not only my issues – but about myself and how I think – and how simple things could be changed that lead to a lasting impact. That is one of the best things I learned – that these issues are often not nearly as complicated as we think and simple tweaks can be profound. If you are willing to put in the time and effort each week, this program will be successful for you. I was a lost cause, or so I thought. At the end of my work with Rebecca, the foundation was in place for me to really practice what I learned with confidence.

When you work with Rebecca with the therapy sessions, you truly get back what you give. The hardest part is being honest with yourself and what you need to address with Rebecca. The second is then being honest and putting your trust with her. With Rebecca’s nature, nurture, and sensitivity, she makes it as easy as possible for you to trust in her. From there, you truly begin to learn about yourself and overcome any insecurities through her guidance. I am not the same person that I was prior to my sessions as I became more aware and confident of myself and there are only a few people that I now respect as much as do for Rebecca.

As an anxiety sufferer it was very hard for me to initially reach out to Rebecca and enter her program but I am very glad I did. She was extremely understanding of all my issues and had an impressive knowledge of sexual and intimacy issues, causes, and treatments. It was such a relief to feel comfortable opening up to someone. I was able to discuss deeply personal issues I had held inside for many years such as erectile dysfunction issues, performance anxiety, sexual desensitization, as well as emotional traumas I had suffered in the past. Using the techniques Rebecca taught me I can now say I am much more confident in my ability to not only share, but enjoy an intimate relationship with another person.

I came to this treatment highly skeptical but desperate enough to try anything. I had tried medication and also stop and start exercises solo and with a partner, all to no avail. Rebecca’s treatment did the trick. It was a slow process in a way, lasting several months, but fast compared to all the years I had wanted to ‘cure’ my premature ejaculation issues. I noticed a difference after about a month, and by the end of 12 weekly sessions there was a gigantic difference, allowing me to last for 10 or so minutes of penetration no problem, and often longer, as compared to a minute or two before. You have to put in the work and the time, but it pays off. I highly recommend this treatment.

As an anxiety sufferer it was very hard for me to initially reach out to Rebecca and enter her program but I am very glad I did. Right off the bat Rebecca had a way of making me feel comfortable and at ease. She was extremely understanding of all my issues and had an impressive knowledge of sexual and intimacy issues, causes, and treatments. It was such a relief to me to feel comfortable opening up to someone. I was able to discuss deeply personal issues I had held inside for many years such as E.D. issues, performance anxiety, sexual desensitization, as well as emotional traumas I had suffered in the past. Using the techniques Rebecca taught me I can now say I am much more confident in my ability to not only share, but enjoy an intimate relationship with another person. I will never forget her kindness and what she did for me, and I would urge anyone seeking treatment to reach out to Rebecca. I promise you will not regret it.

Rebecca’s extraordinary work changes the lives of the people who find the courage to seek her help. Through her extensive training and her wise intuition, she blends psychotherapy, mindfulness, sensorimotor work and more—providing a deeply healing experience that far transcends sex. Touch, connection to others and one’s self, all the places pain and trauma are held, are emphatically and professionally explored. She helps her patients re-integrate with healthy pleasurable mind/body experiences, to giving and receiving. Working with her is a pleasure. Moreover, it is a pleasure to watch my patients come alive. Her respect for craft and her generosity are treasured.

The work done with Rebecca was invaluable for me. My concepts of sex and intimacy were learned through pornography and locker room guy talk. Any form of intimacy, even non-sexual ones, were an out of body experience. Rebecca’s sessions showed me how to be present in my body. The work gave me experiences to draw from for sexual and non-sexual intimacy, which makes my body more relaxed in all different interactions. Rebecca has an incredibly healing touch and her space makes you feel protected and safe. The benefits reached from my session with Rebecca are something I am still learning from.